This page is in reference to a B F2 female Savannah cat "Lilly," sold to Renate Remplein. A separate person, Lillian Anderson, has posted numerous comments about this cat as an example of a "bad cat" that came from my cattery.
However, much of the comments posted are from a different person, whom I do not know.
Renate Remplein purchased the F2 cat and she was shipped out to Germany in 10/2009. Since Lilly is an F2 Savannah, she is considered "wildlife" and needs many permits and other paperwork for shipping from the US to Germany. CITES permit usually takes 6-8 months, not to mention export permits, import permits, US Port permits, health certificates, veterinary work, microchipping, USDA health certificates, etc.
There were some delays in the shipping, naturally, centering around the official port inspector' schedule, shipping in high Florida temperature (can't ship over 85 degrees), etc etc.
After all is said and done, Lilly was shipped out successfully. I have enclosed evidence of her multiple health certificates, certifying to her excellent condition. Because of scheduling issues, and the certificates only being good for 10 days at a time, we had to obtain several before she was finally shipped.
In total, she was fully examined and deemed 100% for shipping on NO LESS THAN 3 SEPARATE OCCASIONS!
Lilly left here in impeccable condition, fully vaccinated, microchipped, and with 15+ pages of documentation as a testiment to her lineage, proof of identity, CITES forms, etc.
She was not a large cat, but she was young and I am sure that she has filled out more over the years.
Renate (in Germany) had to obtain special permits and permission to import "wildlife." Germany is very very strict and the permits in HER NAME guarantee that cat can be tracked forever.
The contract between Renate and Heather very clearly stipulates that under no circumstances is the cat "Lilly" to be resold to a third party without my express permission. In history, there have been many cases of European "breeders" importing cats under their names, only to resell them to third parties. This is completely ILLEGAL - those cats are registered and exported from the US for the sole ownership of the people importing them.
After investigation, I found out that Renate (illegally) resold the cat Lilly to a third party.
First, the cat was only authorized to be exported from the US as wildlife for the private ownership of Renate (and no one else). She is registered with USDA, FWS, etc as owned by Renate Remplain.
Two, Germany authorized for the cat to be imported solely for the private ownership of Renate Remplain (and no one else).
Three, our signed contract states that the cat is absolutely not to be resold to third parties. Doing so
renders the sale null and void completely.
I put that in the contract to avoid these exact kind of issues!!!!!
It is illegal to import wildlife under your name and title, and then resell immediately to a third party. That breaks numerous laws and regulations. If the cat was to be resold, then Renate and third parties would have had to apply for additional permits and licensing for the change of ownership in Germany. So far, I have not seen proof of that. However, if those licenses were gotten, then Renate would only be breaking our mutually signed contract.
The sole reason that I am posting this here is because Lillian Anderson posted "complaints" from the third party, Claudia Bibracher on her blog as "evidence" against me.
In summary, two years ago I sold a cat and shipped her to Germany. The buyer, Renate Remplain, broke our contract and resold the cat to a local woman. Two years later, that 3rd party is making complaints against me because Lilly developed an issue.
As shown in the enclosed documents, Lilly left here in impeccable condition and was competely healthy. So, obviously something happened to her during the time she has lived in Germany. Maybe a hereditary issue came out years later, maybe something happened with her surgery spay. Perhaps her ureter or other part was damaged during the surgery. I don't know.
Claudia, who purchased Lilly, has complaints about the cat.
Claudia is NOT a client of mine - I have never spoken with her or any other communication. If Claudia has a complaint about the cat, then she should take it up with the breeder that she bought from.
I should not have to read nasty complaints about me as a breeder from a 3rd party overseas -who is not a client. I never even knew the cat was resold!
To put it in perspective:
Example: I purchased a F1 from Tina Robertson. Years later, I decided to sell the cat to a different party. I obtained Tina's permission and sold the cat to a different responsible breeder. If the third breeder developed an issue with the cat, then I would be the responsible party, NOT Tina.
Additionally, the third party is questioning the cat's lineage and whether she is a Savannah. All of Lilly's documents, lineage, CITES permits, TICA registration papers, etc went with the cat. There is no doubt of her lineage.
Mother A1Savannah Shala of Gulf
Father Bundas Titus of Gulf
As proof of Lilly's identity:
1) I have provided pedigree
2) Renate Remplain received 50-70+ photos and regular updates on this cat ever since she bought her.
3) the registration slip was mailed to Renate's physical address
4) her TICA registration # matches the # on her CITES, for verification (I had to provide copy of registration to the FWS when I applied for the CITES)
5) She is also microchipped for verification.
In summary, F2 Lilly left here in perfect condition, with all documentation and numerous vet releases. I do not know what happened to her during the last 2 years that she has been living in Germany. All I know is that the woman who bought the cat from me resold her to a third party after a period of time. If that 3rd party has an issue, then I recommend that she work it out with Renate, her breeder.
All identifying documents and other paperwork accompanied the cat and it is without doubt the same beautiful Savannah.
Please enjoy the pics of such a beautiful girl.
Heather Goerdt
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